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Institut der beim Europäischen Patentamt zugelassenen Vertreter

The Patent Profession in the EPC Contracting states

AL - Albania
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the Albanian Patent Office; http://www.dppi.gov.al
Associations Not applicable yet
Basic Requirements 1. at least “Master of Science” completed in the field of engineering or pharmaceuticals or natural sciences and be qualified in trainings or specialized courses in the field of industrial property, or ;MSc in another field, and having not less than five years’ work experience in this field and be qualified in trainings or specialized courses in the field of industrial property. 2. should have passed the testing for the qualification of authorized representatives for Patents of Inventions and Utility Models. - Also, every former employee of the Albanian patent office, graduated, who has no less than three years’ work experience in issues of industrial property in the patent office.
Practice Required Albanian patent officed recognizes as an expert for Patents and Utility Models every individual, if he/she has a permanent residence in the Republic of Albania, has completed MSc in the field where the expertise is required, has no less than five years’ work experience as patent attorney, or has been qualified in IP trainings / specialized courses and has also passed the test for the qualification as patent experts. In the meantime, every former employee of the Albanian patent office graduated in the field where expertise is required, who has no less than four years’ IP work experience, and every former member of the Board of Appeal of this office, with not less than two years of work at this Board.
Examination - APO organizes a test for the qualification as authorized representative as well as for the qualification as patent experts (subject to payment of the respective fee) - the professional license is to be renewed on an annual bases
Continued Professional Education The Evaluation Commission is a structure created within the APO for licensing patent attorney as well as patent experts Also, recently, the APO has established the IP Academy, which is part of the structure and organization of the APO, organizes activities, courses, trainings and seminars in the IP field.
Reporting CPE If the paten attorney or patent expert does not exercise commercial activity for a five-year period, the license will not be renewed, and he/she should once again be tested for obtaining again the license.

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AT - Austria
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the Austrian Chamber of Patent Attorneys; https://www.oepak.at
Associations - Private practice: Österreichische Patentanwaltskammer Linke Wienzeile 4/1/9; 1060 Wien https://www.oepak.at/ - Industry: RING der Industrie- Patentingenieure Österreichs c/o Andritz AG Statteger Straße 18; 8045 Graz - Non-unitary profession
Basic Requirements (1) Entry in the list of patent attorneys is subject to proof of compliance with the following requirements: a) Austrian citizenship; b) own authorization; c) permanent office in a contracting state of the Agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation; d) Completion of studies with the acquisition of a diploma, master's or doctoral degree in accordance with § 87 paragraph 1 of the University Act 2002, Federal Law Gazette I No. 120, or equivalent studies at a university in the European Economic Area or in the Swiss Confederation, which is an area of ??the Technology or the natural sciences as their subject, or nostrification of corresponding foreign academic degrees with a study scope of at least 270 ECTS credit points (European Credit Transfer System-ECTS according to Decision No. 253/2000/EG on the implementation of the second phase of the joint action program in area of ??general education Socrates, OJ No. L 28 of 03.02.2000 p. 1), of which at least 210 ECTS credits are to be allocated to technical or scientific subjects; e) a required practice; f) successful passing of the Austrian patent attorney examination at the earliest one year before completing the practice; g) liability insurance; h) Studies of Austrian law. (2) Citizenship of a state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or of the Swiss Confederation is equivalent to Austrian citizenship.
Practice Required - 5 years practice with registered Austrian patent attorney, examination may be taken after 4 years - 7.5 years practice in industry equivalent to patent attorney work for taking examination - For registered civil engineer 2 years practice for taking examination - For technical examiners at the NPO 10 years practice for taking examination - Technical examiner permanently employed at the NPO for 20 years may enter the list without examination
Examination Austrian Patent Attorney Exam: - The examination comprises a written and an oral part - The examination is held by a joint panel of members from the APO and the Austrian Chamber of Patent Attorneys - Training is organised by the Austrian Chamber of Patent Attorneys - Passed EQE and/or completed Studies of Austrian law have to be taken into account in the exam
Continued Professional Education While there is no explicit obligation for CPE, Austrian Patent Attorneys can be held liable if they do not have the knowledge and skills to represent and advise parties. This, of course, implies that Patent Attorneys have to keep up with any relevant legal developments.
Reporting CPE N.A.

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BE - Belgium
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the Belgian Intellectual Property Office (BIPO; DIE; OPRI); https://bpp.economie.fgov.be/bpp-portal/Register/patent/attorneys
Associations - Institute for Patent Attorneys: Belgium Patent Institute: https://www.belgiumpatent.be/ Institute for Patent Attorneys | FPS Economy (fgov.be): https://economie.fgov.be/en/themes/intellectual-property/institutions-and-actors/institute-patent-attorneys - Private practice: Chambre des Conseils de la Propriété Intellectuelle - Industry: UBCEPI/BVORIE - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. Belgian scientific, technical or legal degree of higher education of at least years or equivalent 2. be a citizen of a Member State of the European Economic Area and be domiciled in such a State or be a citizen of and be domiciled in the United Kingdom 3. Passing an exam Accreditation of patent attorneys |FPS Economy (fgov.be) https://economie.fgov.be/en/themes/intellectual-property/institutions-and-actors/commission-accreditation/accreditation-patent-attorneys
Practice Required - 3 years of activity in the patent profession as assistant to a qualified [Belgian] patent attorney, or as an authorised employee - of which 2 years maximum may be equivalent activity before the EPO, or activity in EEA state
Examination - The examination comprises two written parts and one oral part 1. The written parts comprise: 1.1. drafting of set of patent claims; 1.2. advice to client, opposition, infringement, etc. 2. The oral part relates to national law, EPC, PCT and basics of US and JP law - Released from part 1 of the written examination, if qualified European Patent Attorney - The same rules apply for private practice and industry
Continued Professional Education Currently being developed by the Institute: Commissie opleidingen – Belgium Patent Institute https://www.belgiumpatent.be/commissie-opleidingen/
Reporting CPE Currently being developed by the Institute: Commissie opleidingen – Belgium Patent Institute https://www.belgiumpatent.be/commissie-opleidingen/ For the moment, the members need to keep records of his/her CPE activities and need to keep records for the past 5 years. Sample checks may be performed.

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BG - Bulgaria
Professional Representation An Industrial Property Representative who meets the requirements of specific national legislation, has acquired or is recognized as a professional qualification and is entered in the Register of Industrial Property Representatives maintained by the BPO, or Attorney of Law enrolled in a bar association (PATENTS AND REGISTRATION ACT OF THE UTILITY MODELS, AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTARY OF DV, NO. 92 OF OCTOBER 27, 2020). https://www.bpo.bg/bg/predstaviteli-po-industrialna--sobstvenost/zakonodatelstvo-predstaviteli-ind-sobstvenost Temporary or one-off provision of services by a foreign representative on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria without entry in the Register of representatives or associations/ partnerships of agents practicing in another Member State of the European Union, of a State party under the EEA Agreement or of the Swiss Confederation , as well as a person entered in the Register of Representatives at the European Patent Office.
Associations Not applicable yet The possibility of creating an unified professional association was rejected
Basic Requirements 1. Bulgarian citizen or a national of another Member State of the European Union, of a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or of the Swiss Confederation; 2.Holds a diploma for completed higher education with a master's degree, issued by an accredited Bulgarian higher school, or a diploma for completed higher education with a Master's degree, recognized in accordance with Bulgarian legislation, acquired in a foreign higher school; the representatives in the field of patents and utility models must have acquired the required educational degree in one of the professional fields of higher education "Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics", "Technical Sciences", "Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine", or in professional fields: "Medicine", "Dentistry", "Pharmacy" or "Law"; 3. Has successfully passed an examination to acquire a professional qualification for a representative in the field of patents, utility models and/or in the field of trade marks, designs and geographical indications or has been recognized as such; 4. Is entered in the Register of representatives.
Practice Required 3 years practice in the field of industrial property protection
Examination BPO Industrial Property Representative/Professional Representative/ Exam: - The exam consists of a written and an oral part; - The exam is conducted by a special committee made up of BPO members and at least one qualified representative of the academic community; - The Training for acquiring a professional qualification for an industrial property representative is organized by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria /BPO/; The last exam for acquiring a professional qualification is from 2022.
Continued Professional Education -
Reporting CPE Not applicable

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CH - Switzerland
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the Swiss Patent Office (EIGE) https://www.ige.ch/en
Associations Non-unitary profession Private practice: Verband der freiberuflichen Europäischen und Schweizer Patentanwälte (VESPA) // Association des conseils en brevets suisses et européens de profession libérale (ACBSE) https://www.vespa.swiss/ c/o SBMP Schaad, Balass, Menzl & Partner AG Bellerivestrasse 20, Postfach, 8034 Zürich Verband Schweizerischer Patent- und Markenanwälte (VSP) // Association Suisse des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (ASCPI) // Association of Swiss Patent and Trademark Attorneys (ASPTA) https://vsp.ch/ Postfach 638; 3000 Bern 7 Industry: Verband der Industriepatentanwälte in der Schweiz (VIPS) // Association des Conseils en Brevets dans l'Industrie Suisse (ACBIS) https://acbis.ch/ c/o Institut Straumann AG Peter Merian-Weg 12; CH-4002 Basel
Basic Requirements 1. For patent attorneys or European patent attorneys counseling or representing in Switzerland 2. Technical or natural scientific degree such as bachelor, master or higher or equivalent (Equivalent academic degrees from non-CH universities need to be accredited)
Practice Required - 3 years of activity in the patent profession as assistant to a qualified registered patent attorney or a similar qualified non-registered person (special requirements) for persons having a master degree or higher, and - 6 years for persons with a bachelor degree; - practical work of at least one year needed with reference to Switzerland
Examination - organised by national chamber of examination - written parts: passed EQE parts A + B, Swiss patent and procedural law - oral part: trademarks, design, copyright, competition and civil law - training organised by Swiss patent office and an organisation of the three patent attorney associations
Continued Professional Education No
Reporting CPE No

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CY - Cyprus
Professional Representation All Attorneys (Lawyers) according to the Law are Patent Attorneys and can practice as Patent Attorneys. The list of the Lawyers is found with the Cyprus Bar Association. www.cyprusbarassociation.org
Associations Presently no association. - Unitary profession the website of the Cyprus Bar Association www.cyprusbarassociation.org
Basic Requirements License to practice as a Lawyer in Cyprus.
Practice Required No practice required. Any practicing Lawyer can practice as a Patent Attorney.
Examination No examination
Continued Professional Education There is a duty for continued professional education in CYPPRUS
Reporting CPE There is a duty for reporting CPE activities to the Cyprus Bar Association

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CZ - Czech Republic
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the Chamber of Patent Attorneys; Lawyer on register maintain by the Czech Bar Association (advokát = barrister, has to pass the bar exam).
Associations Chamber of Patent Attorneys in Brno; https://www.patzastupci.cz/; Czech Bar Association (for lawyers): https://www.cak.cz/en/
Basic Requirements (requirements apply only to patent attorneys): 1. University education (regardless of field, includes bachelor title) 2. Examination 3. Oath to the President of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys
Practice Required (requirements apply only to patent attorneys): 3 years practice in industrial property
Examination - Two-part examination with written and oral part provided by the NPO. - The examination board comprises two members nominated by the Chamber of Patent Attorneys and two members nominated by the NPO. (applies only to patent attorneys)
Continued Professional Education no
Reporting CPE no

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DE - Germany
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the Patent- anwaltskammer www.patentanwalt.de - Patent Attorney may represent on his own before the NPO, the Federal Patent Court (validity) and in appeals (validity) before the Federal Supreme Court
Associations - Patentanwaltskammer (PAK) Tal 29 80331 Munich Germany www.patentanwalt.de - VPP Uhlandstr. 1 47239 Duisburg Germany www.vpp-patent.de - Bundesverband der Deutschen Patentanwälte e.V. Geschäftsstelle Deichmannhaus am Dom Postfach 10 22 41 50462 Cologne Germany www.bundesverbandpatentanwaelte.de - Non-unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. Scientific or technical university degree ("Diplom" or Master's level) 2. 12 months practical technical experience
Practice Required - 10 years in patent department of industry (reduced to 8 years for qualified European Patent Attorneys) or - 34 months of training including 26 months under supervision of patent attorney or patent agent in patent department and additionally 2 months at the NPO and 6 months at the Federal Patent Court (of the 26 months, two months can be spent at a patent litigation chamber) - in both cases the candidate has to pass a basic legal education comprising a 2 year distance learning course (Fernuniversität Hagen) and a final exam
Examination The examination comprises two written parts and one oral part
Continued Professional Education Patent attorneys are legally obliged to undergo CPE (§39a (8) PAO)
Reporting CPE There are no provisions for reporting CPE.

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DK - Denmark
Professional Representation No mandatory authorization
Associations - Private practice: Association of Danish Intellectual Property Attorneys (ADIPA) www.adipa.dk 3 years practice for entering Association as full member, 1 year practice to become an associate member - Industry: Dansk Forening for Industriens Patent- og Varemærkespecialister; www.dipinfo.dk To become a member the person has to be employed in a Danish industrial enterprise or institution related there to (industry organizations) and has to deal with IPR (patents, trademarks, etc.) in their normal work - Non-unitary profession
Basic Requirements -
Practice Required
Examination - No examination - Institutions engaged with education: 1) DIFI; www.difi.dk 2) CEIPI Denmark: www.ceipi.dk 3) EPCtutors.dk www.epctutors.dk
Continued Professional Education None
Reporting CPE None

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EE - Estonia
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by Chamber of Estonian Patent Attorneys https://pvkoda.ee/ Membership is mandatory
Associations Chamber of Estonian Patent Attorneys Toompuiestee 7 15041 Tallinn, Estonia, info@pvkoda.ee - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. Is capable; 2. Citizen of Estonia or EEA with permanent residence in Estonia; 3. a nationally recognized master’s degree or equivalent qualification in Estonia or abroad, education in field of natural or technical sciences; 4. Speaks and writes fluent Estonian; 5. Command of two foreign languages for the professional work, of which at least one is the official working language of the EPO (English, German, French); 6. No criminal conviction for a crime
Practice Required At least four years of employment with a registered patent attorney or patent attorney firm during the last ten years, wherein said period of four years may include working in the relevant area at the Estonian Patent Office for up to two years.
Examination - Written examination comprising 1. theoretical knowledge part 2. part of solving of case exercises of industrial property
Continued Professional Education Yes, CPE is mandatory. Five year period, each year 10 points
Reporting CPE Reporting is mandatory and the evaluation period is five-year. The patent attorney must collect at least 10 continuing education points for each year. The Professional Education Committee of the Chamber monitors the fulfillment of the obligations of patent attorneys and will remind to the Patent Attorney to present the report. There is special regulation concerning activities, inter alia, recognized by the Chamber of Estonian Patent attorneys

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ES - Spain
Professional Representation Industrial Property Agent on register maintained by the NPO
Associations - Colegio Oficial de Agentes de la Propriedad Industrial (COAPI) Calle de la Montera, 13 28013 Madrid Spain - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements a) Legal age and full capacity to act b) Citizen of a state of the European Union or legal resident in Spain c) Not having been convicted for an intentional crime, except when being rehabilitated. d) Be in possession or able to obtain the official title of “Grado”, “Licenciado”, “Arquitecto”, “Ingeniero” or other official University degree approved or equivalent to any of the above. Applicants with qualifications obtained abroad must be in possession or in a position to obtain the corresponding certificate of approval to “Grado” of said degree or, where appropriate, the corresponding certificate of equivalence.
Practice Required No practice required for taking examination
Examination - The examination is organised and prepared by the NPO - The examination is held by a panel of members of the NPO - Training course provided by COAPI - Same rules apply for private practice and industry
Continued Professional Education NO. CPE is not mandatory.
Reporting CPE -

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FI - Finland
Professional Representation - Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO; www.prh.fi
Associations - Private practice: Suomen Patenttiasiamiesyhdistys r.y. P.O. Box 595 00101 Helsinki Finland www.spay.fi - Industry: Patentti-Insinöörit r.y.; www.patentti-insinoorit.fi - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements - Patent Attorney: a) Scientific or technical university degree (Master Degree or higher); exceptions possible b) Permanent residence in the EEA - Finnish Lawyer: law degree from University
Practice Required - Practise required (for enrolling for examination) a) The candidate may enrol after obtaining at least one year experience in the field. b) Patent law module requires a Master's degree in the field of technology or other appropriate higher education. Trademark or design rights module requires a Master's degree in Law or other applicable degree. c) Intellectual Ombudsman Board may grant exemption from the required education, provided a person has handled intellectual property issues for a minimum of five years and passed an examination which the Board considers sufficient for the applicant to demonstrate the required skills.
Examination - The Intellectual Ombudsman Board organizes IP attorney examination, which for consisting of: 1) a common part with the IP legal system part and intellectual property attorney ethical conduct part; 2) three IP modules, which includes the patent law, trademark law and design law modules. Modules are optional, however at least one module has to be passed for receiving respective qualification. Patent module has four parts.
Continued Professional Education No, CPE is not a mandatory requirement for Authorized Patent Attorney in Finland. However, Authorized Patent Attorney must give a notification to continue the authorization periodically.
Reporting CPE Requirements for continue the Authorization are an economic operability; that an ability to operate has not been legally restricted; and that the Auithorized Patent Attorney is trustworthy in accordance with section 5 of the Finnish Patents Act.

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FR - France
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO; with notice of specialization (engineer, lawyer) and field (patents, trademarks, designs)
Associations - Private practice: - Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (CNCPI) 92 rue d'Amsterdam 75009 Paris France www.cncpi.fr - Association des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (ACPI) 92 rue d'Amsterdam 75009 Paris France - Industry: - Association de Spécialistes en Propriété Industrielle (ASPI) 20 rue Vignon 75009 Paris France - Non-unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. Engineer diploma or at least University degree (Master) 2. CEIPI diploma (or equivalent) is required
Practice Required 3 years professional practice should be done under the control of a registered patent attorney
Examination - Two separate examinations; patents and trademarks/ designs - The patent examination comprises two written parts and one oral part - Having passed the EQE it is necessary only to take the 2nd written part and the oral part - Examination is organised by the NPO - The examination is drafted and examined by a jury chaired by a magistrate and comprising a lawyer, a university professor and other persons qualified in industrial property - ASPI and CNCPI organise training sessions - A person having the CEIPI diploma, 8 years of professional practice and having passed an oral control on deontology could be registered without passing the examination
Continued Professional Education Art. L422-10-1 of the French IP Code requires CPE for French patent attorneys. https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/codes/article_lc/LEGIARTI000028716084 The details of the implementation of CPE are specified in Article R422-55-1 of the French IP Code https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/codes/article_lc/LEGIARTI000030575141 A legal text «(« Arrêté ») has specified the requirements for CPE https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/loda/id/JORFTEXT000032482542/
Reporting CPE CPE hours should be reported to CNCPI

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GB - United Kingdom
Professional Representation Patent Attorney Register defined in the CDPA Act 1988 is administered by the regulatory board IPReg https://ipreg.org.uk/
Associations - Unitary profession - The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) 2nd Floor Halton House 20 – 23 Holborn London, EC1N 2JD https://www.cipa.org.uk/
Basic Requirements Academic requirements defined by the PRB of the IPReg in Schedule 2 of the Rules for the Examination and Admission of Individuals to the Register, namely a. a degree conferred by a University or Higher Education Institution in the United Kingdom (UK), or by the Open University Validation Service, or a licence awarded by the University College of Buckingham before that College was granted University status; b. a degree conferred by the Council for National Academic Awards before 1992; c. a pass in the Legal Practice Course (England and Wales) or the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice (Scotland) or the Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Legal Education or Studies (Northern Ireland) or the Bar Final Examination; or d. any other qualification, whether obtained in the UK or elsewhere, which the Examination Agency concerned will accept as providing a suitable basis for entry into the patent or trade mark professions
Practice Required - No previous practice is required for taking the examination - For entry onto the national register there is a requirement to have completed either: at least two years full time practice under the supervision of a Patent Attorney, barrister or solicitor, or four years full time practice in the field of intellectual property including patent agency work in the UK
Examination There are two stages to the examination: a foundation stage and a final stage. For the foundation stage, a candidate must successfully complete one or the IPReg-accredited Foundation Certificate courses at Bournemouth University, Brunel University or Queen Mary University London, or the IPReg-accredited Foundation Certificate examinations provided by the Patent Examination Board (PEB - PEB Home page - CIPA https://www.cipa.org.uk/patent-examination-board/). For the final stage, a candidate must successfully complete the Final Diploma provided by the PEB. There are four examinations in the Final Diploma: FD1 – Advanced IP Law and Practice, FD2 – Drafting of Specifications, FD3 – Amendment of Specifications and FD4 – Infringement and Validity. The regulatory board IPReg recognises the equivalence of passing EQE papers A and B with FD2 and FD3 respectively. This does not extend to a compensable fail in relation to a single paper. If a candidate has a compensable fail in EQE papers A or B, they need to re-sit and successfully pass the relevant single paper, or pass the EQE as a whole if they have not passed FD2 and FD3. PEB has a governance board (GB), an examination committee (EC) and a head of qualifications who manages operations. The GB comprises two patent attorney members and three lay members who are educational specialists. Chief, Principal and Marking Examiners with expertise in the examined subjects are appointed by the PEB. The EC comprises the Chief and Principal Examiners. CIPA has an active student body – Informals – which assists candidates in preparing for the national and EQE examinations.
Continued Professional Education On 1 July 2023, the way IPReg requires attorneys to identify appropriate continuing competence activities and to record them, changed. For further information, please consult the link: https://ipreg.org.uk/pro/continuing-competence
Reporting CPE All registered patent attorneys in active practice are required to self-certify to the regulatory board IPReg that they have met the CPD requirement when renewing their registration. Compliance may be monitored by requiring detailed support (such as individual CPD records) from a random sample of registrants each year to substantiate the 16 hours figure.

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GR - Greece
Professional Representation Only lawyers may practice
Associations - Presently no association - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements -
Practice Required -
Examination No examination
Continued Professional Education ??
Reporting CPE ??

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HR - Croatia
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO
Associations Hrvatska komora patentnih zastupnika i zastupnika za žigove [Croatian Chamber of Patent and Trademark Attorneys] Savska cesta 41 10000 Zagreb Croatia
Basic Requirements 1. Croatian citizen or EEC citizen with residency in Croatia or EEC, and 2. Minimum university degree (Master) from natural or technical science, or Attorney-at- Law + examination passed before the NPO or 3. Equivalent academic degree + examination passed before the NPO + 5 year of IP practice
Practice Required Profesionals having an academic degree different from technical or natural science or not chartered as Attorney-at-law must have a minimum of 5 year practice in IP field
Examination - The examination comprises a written and an oral part - The examination is organised and prepared by the NPO
Continued Professional Education There is NO duty for continued professional education in Croatia
Reporting CPE There is NO duty for reporting CPE activities

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HU - Hungary
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the Hungarian Chamber of Patent Attorneys
Associations - Hungarian Chamber of Patent Attorneys Kálmán Imre u. 14, 1054 Budapest, Hungary www.szabadalmikamara. Hu - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. Hungarian or EEA nationality has a long-term residence permit 2. Having a clean record 3. University degree (means at least 5 years studies) or master degree in engineering, informatics, or in other health or natural sciences (specifically medical, veterinarian, biologist, chemist, pharmacist, mathematician, physicist) 4. Patent attorney examination
Practice Required - At least 3 years practice as a patent attorney candidate - Graduation from a two years training course organised by the NPO
Examination - National examination comprises: 1. two written parts: one of the topics should be in patents, the other in trademarks; and 2. one oral part: topic selected from national IP law, IP related parts of Civil law and civil procedural law, IP related parts of criminal law; EPC, PCT, International and Community trademark law, basics of national copyright and unfair competition law, TRIPS and other international treaties and patent laws of foreign countries.
Continued Professional Education There is no duty for CPE
Reporting CPE There is no duty for reporting CPE activities

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IE - Irland
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO
Associations - Association of Patent & Trade Mark Agents c/o Maclachlan and Donaldson www.aptma.ie - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. University degree in science or engineering, exceptions possible 2. Examination required for entry on the national register
Practice Required No time limit imposed for taking examination
Examination - The examination comprises two parts, CIPA (GB) and Irish legal part - Ministerial waiver required for compensating CIPA parts with papers of the EQE
Continued Professional Education N/A
Reporting CPE N/A

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IS - Iceland
Professional Representation No register of Patent Attorneys
Associations - Private Practice: Association of Patent and Trademark Attorneys (FUVE) www.fuve.is - Private Practice and industry: Association of Icelandic Patent Professionals (FEIS) www.feis.is
Basic Requirements Residency in Iceland or in EU/EEA countries
Practice Required None required by law
Examination No examination
Continued Professional Education Not mandatory
Reporting CPE There are no provisions for reporting CPE

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IT - Italy
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale
Associations - Private practice and industry: Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale Via Piazza Bottini, 1- 20133 Milan Italy www.ordine-brevetti.it email: consiglio@ordine-brevetti.it Private practice: Collegio Italiano dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale Sant’Agnese 12 20129 Milan Italy http://www.ficpi.it/ Email: collegio@ficpi.it - Industry: A.I.C.I.P.I., Associazione Italiana dei Consulenti ed Esperti in Proprietà Industriale di Enti o Imprese; Viale Piero e Alberto Pirelli 25 Milan Italy www.aicipi.it https://aicipi.it/ - Non-unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. a degree or an equivalent university degree in any foreign country; 2. a diploma or a title issued by a member country of the European Union including the attestation that the candidate has successfully completed a cycle of post-secondary studies with a minimum duration of three years or a part-time equivalent, in a university or in a higher education institution or another institution of the same level of education, provided that the course of study has a technical-professional address relevant to the activity of consultant in industrial property in the field of patents of invention and industrial models. 3. Any person who has passed the European Qualifying Examination for representation before the European Patent Office is admitted to the examination for registration in the patent section.
Practice Required - 18 months training with company, offices or services specialised in industrial property under the supervision of a registered patent attorney with at least 5 years of experience. Enrollment with the Register of Trainees is compulsory for access to the qualifying examination - Examination not required for Italian citizens with employment for 5 years as an EPO examiner - Examination not required for former employees of the Ministry of Economic Development or the Ministry of Defense and have worked for at least 5 years with managerial duties at the Italian Patent and Trademark Office or the Patent and Intellectual Property Service
Examination 1. The examination comprises two written parts: 1.1. patent drafting and 1.2. questions on patent law and 2. one oral part on 2.1. public and private law, competion law and civil procedure 2.2. patent law 2.3. EU and international law in industrial property, 2.4. comparative law in industrial property 2.5. English, French or German as foreign language and 2.6. technical knowledge in chemistry, electricity or mechanics - Having passed the EQE allows for taking examination without practice
Continued Professional Education CPE mandatory under Italian Law as ruled by the Regulation of the Institute (Ordine dei Consulenti). All consultants must obtain in each 2-years period, at least 30 credits (one credit is about one hour of education), of which at least 10 in each single year. At least 3 credits in the 2-years period must derive from training activities or events relating to professional organization or deontology. The Regulation defines the educational and training activities that are suitable to provide credits and the Council of the Institute allocates the credits available for each specific training or educational event on the basis of specific Guidelines also issued by the Institute.
Reporting CPE Reporting CPE is mandatory. Its fulfilment is checked by the Council of the Institute following the end of each 2-year period. Failure to fulfill the educational obligation and failure or unfaithful certification of the CPE constitutes a disciplinary violation and it is sanctioned by the Disciplinary Board of the Institute

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LI - Liechtenstein
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the government agency FMA (Finanzmarktauf- sicht)
Associations - Liechtensteinischer Patentanwaltsverband (LIPAV) Kappelestrasse 15 9492 Eschen Liechtenstein - Non-unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. National of the EEA or recognized by international treaty 2. National examination 3. Educational background in engineering or natural sciences
Practice Required Practice requirements given by EQE
Examination - National examination; admittance to oral examination only upon success in preceding written examination (8 hours: patent, trademark, design, copyright and competition law) - EQE prerequisite for taking national examination
Continued Professional Education No CPE duties
Reporting CPE -

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LT - Lithuania
Professional Representation Patent Attorney needs to be recognized (admitted) by Institute of Patent Attorneys in Lithuania [Patentini? patik?tini? institutas, hereinafter Institute] according to Patent Attorneys' Act [Patentini? patik?tini? ?statymas]. Register of Patent Attorneys is maintained by Institute, and list of Patent Attorneys is published by both NPO and Institute.
Associations -Institute of Patent Attorneys [Lietuvos patentini? patik?tini? institutas] Sv. Ignoto g. 6 01107 Vilnius Lithuania info@patentiniaipatiketiniai - Compulsory membership with compulsory liability insurance - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. Bachelor's or master's degree or an education recognized by the competent authority as equivalent in the physical, biomedical, technological or social sciences; 2. Passing the patent attorney's qualification examination.
Practice Required At least 2 years of practical work experience in industrial property field.
Examination Examination comprises 2 parts: 1. Theoretical part (3 questions in writing form); 2. Practical part (3 tasks in writing form) on patent claims drafting, responding to communications, oppositions, etc.
Continued Professional Education CPE mandatory as from April 2021 for registered PA with less than 25 years from enter into Register. Regulation: Proce- dure of professional development for PA and assessment procedure
Reporting CPE Reporting mandatory. It is obligatory to have per year a CPE quotum of 3 points (for PA of having > 5 years) or 6 points (for PA < 5 years of practice). Disciplinary proceeding may be instituted if not provided of corresponding report.

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LU - Luxembourg
Professional Representation IP attorneys on Register maintained by “Ministère de l’Economie”
Associations - Fédération des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle au Luxembourg 134, route d'Arlon L-1150 Luxembourg Luxembourg (+352) 31 38 30 - 1 info@fcpil.lu https://fcpil.lu/fr/accueil
Basic Requirements 1. University degree (law, scientific or technical) 2. Three years training with patent attorney registered in LU or other EU national state; and 3. National examination
Practice Required 1. University degree (law, scientific or technical) 2. Three years training with patent attorney registered in LU or other EU national state; and 3. National examination
Examination National examination on LU patent law and Benelux trademark and designs law. Beside the fact that the law requires national examination, in practice there is not yet a national examination performed.
Continued Professional Education There is no duty for continued professional education in Luxembourg.
Reporting CPE

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LV - Latvia
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO; www.lrpv.gov.lv
Associations Association Of Patent Attorneys of Latvia [Latvijas Profession?lo Patentpilnvarnieku Asociacija (LPPA)] Kaleju iela 14-7, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia www.lppa.lv Email: info@lppa.lv
Basic Requirements 1. citizen of Latvia or another EU Member State; 2. is fluent in Latvian and has knowledge of at least two foreign languages that is sufficient for professional co-operation with Latvian and foreign persons and institutions; 3. academic or second-level higher vocational education (diplomas issued by foreign institutions of higher education in the respective specialities must be recognised in Latvia). The education shall be in the field of engineering or natural sciences. The law does not state a percentage of technical subjects included in the programme.
Practice Required - at least 4 year work experience in the field of invention patent applications (drafting, amending, prosecution), patent searches, research or consultations on issues of patent protection or in other comparable professional activities, including work in international, regional or national industrial property institutions; - Work in the field of protection of industrial property must be systematic, and it shall not include long-term leaves and activity breaks.
Examination - Examination has one written part and one oral part, choice between all, two or one of the fields: patents, trademarks, industrial designs; - Latvian IP legislation, Administrative Prodecure Law, Law on Administrative Liability, Civil Procedure Law, International conventions and treaties, EU IP legislation, practical tasks.
Continued Professional Education There are no requirements for CPE.
Reporting CPE Minimum 16 CPE hours per year are mandatory. However reporting CPE is not mandatory.

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MC - Monaco
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO http://service-public- entreprises.gouv.mc/ Propriete- intellectuelle/Principa ux-mandataires/Liste- des-principaux- mandataires/Liste- des-principaux- mandataires-aupres- de-la-Propriete- Intellectuelle (MC and selected FR patent attorneys having their place of business close MC)
Associations Unitary profession
Basic Requirements - No requirements for Monegasque citizens - Requirements for Non- Monegasque citizens in the discretion of the Ministry of Economic Expansion (minimum requirement de facto French Patent Attorney Exam or French Trademark Attorney Exam or EQE)
Practice Required MC is not a member of the EEA, therefore no free movement of professionals. Ministry of Economic Expansion limits numbers of authorisations granted to foreign Patent Attorneys to the actual demand in MC.
Examination No examination
Continued Professional Education
Reporting CPE

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MK - North Macedonia
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the State Industrial Property Office
Associations Zdruzenie na zastapnici za intelektualna sopstvenost na Republika Makedonija (Associations of Intellectual Property Representatives of Republic of Macedonia – Skopje) St. “Orce Nikolov” b.b. 1000 Skopje Macedonia
Basic Requirements 1. is a citizen of the Republic of Macedonia; 1.1. has registered to perform representation in the field of industrial property; 1.2. has graduated at Law School, one of the technical faculties and Faculty of Pharmacy; 1.3. has passed the specialised exam in accordance with the provision of this Law; and 1.4. has knowledge of at least one of the official languages of the organisations in this area inhere Republic of Macedonia is a member state; 1.5. a lawyer registered in the Bar Association of the Republic of Macedonia who fulfils the conditions of item 1 and lawyers’ association or lawyers’ office registered in the Bar Association of the Republic of Macedonia that has employed an individual who fulfils the conditions of item 1 2. Legal person: - that has a registered office in the Republic of Macedonia; - that is registered for representation in the area of industrial property protection; - has employed at least one individual who fulfils the conditions of item 1.
Practice Required No practice requirements
Examination The examination comprises a written and an oral part - The examination is organised and prepared by the State Industrial Property Office (SIPO) - The examination is held by a Commission of members from the SIPO and scientific and expert community - Training is organised by the SIPO and by Association of Intellectual Property Representatives
Continued Professional Education no
Reporting CPE no

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MNE - Montenegro
Professional Representation Attorney at Law or Patent Attorney registered in the Register of representatives maintained by National Patent Office.
Associations No associations.
Basic Requirements Natural persons can be registered in the Register of Representatives if they speak one world language, engage in representation as a profession, and : 1) have graduated from the Faculty of Law or the Faculty of Technical Profession and passed a special professional exam before the competent authority or 2) have graduated from the Faculty of Law or Faculty of Technical Profession and have at least five years of work experience in patent matters in the competent authority. Legal entities can be registered in the Register of Representatives if they employ at least one person who meets the above conditions or cooperates with that person on the basis of another contractual relationship.
Practice Required No practice required for taking exam.
Examination Examination for patent attorneys is organized by the National Patent Office and consists of a written part which usually takes around 3-6 hours and an oral part which takes around 3 hours.
Continued Professional Education None
Reporting CPE No

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MT - Malta
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the Comptroller of Industrial Property of Malta
Associations None
Basic Requirements Nothing laid down by law
Practice Required Nothing laid down by law
Examination No examination
Continued Professional Education
Reporting CPE

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NL - Netherlands
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO
Associations - De Orde van Octrooigemachtigden https://www.octrooigemachtigde.nl/ - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. University degree in science, technology, engineering or agriculture for taking examination 2. Anybody having passed the national examination and having three years practice may enter the national register
Practice Required - 3 years practice at office of NL patent attorney - Exemption for EEA patent attorneys or qualified European Patent Attorneys (provided they pass an aptitude test)
Examination - The examination is in writing and comprises 6 modules: 1) general law (3.5 hours) 2) patent law (3hours) 3) other IP-law, European law, competition law (3 hours) 4) writing an advice regarding a patent- related problem (8 hours) 5) writing of a patent application and 6) defending the same (4 hours each) - The examination is examined by an examination committee appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and comprising representatives from the NPO, the patent profession and the legal profession - Training is provided in the form of a two years course - Examination modules form a part of the course, but are also open to persons not following the course - Modules 5 and 6 may be compensated by Paper A and B of the EQE respectively
Continued Professional Education Yes, CPE is made mandatory by an additional regulation binding the registered members, but it is not indicated in this regulation which activities fall under CPE and how much of the activities are needed. Nevertheless, the current practice is that it is obligatory to have a CPE quotum of 12 points per year and the Raad van Toezicht (the Disciplinary Council) has indicated how many points certain activities will yield.
Reporting CPE Reporting is not mandatory but the Disciplinary Council will yearly perform sample checks in which members are requested to show that they have complied with the 16 points requirement. In case of less than 16 points in a certain year, it is allowed to list 32 points in a period of two consecutive calendar years (the year before or after). So there is a more or less compulsory docketing duty (at least one should be able to list the CPE activities of the past five years).

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NO - Norway
Professional Representation No register of Patent Attorneys
Associations - Private Practice: Foreningen for norske IP rådgivere (FONIP) - Industry: Norsk Forening for Industriens Patentingeniører (NIP) – a FEMIPI associated union
Basic Requirements -
Practice Required No formal requirements, but only European Patent Attorneys and Lawyers have client attorney privilege
Examination No examination
Continued Professional Education No duty for CPE
Reporting CPE No reporting on CPE

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PL - Poland
Professional Representation - IP Attorney on register administrated by NPO - Unitary profession for patent and trademark attorneys
Associations - Polska Izba Rzeczników Patentowych (PIRP) (Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys) https://www.rzecznikpatentowy.org.pl/ - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. University degree (required to have Master degree) from faculty useful for practicing the profession (e.g. technical, legal) 2. Citizenship of EU or EFTA 3. Knowledge of Polish language
Practice Required - 3 years training organized by PIRP - 3 years practice under supervision of experienced patent attorney
Examination Qualifying examination organized by PIRP under supervision of NPO, comprising 3 written parts: a) Drafting a patent application; b) Drafting a legal opinion on IP matters c) Drafting a litigation submission / motion on IP matters
Continued Professional Education Yes, CPE is made mandatory by a Polish IP Law (act on patent attorneys), but it is not indicated in this regulation which activities fall under CPE and how much of the activities are needed. Also there is no specific number of hours required yet. It is expected that PIRP will set up a specific conditions for CPE within next year.
Reporting CPE Reporting is not mandatory but PIRP gathers information about attended trainings at PIRP and every patent attorney has access to the list of all his/her/their trainings, webinars, seminars and conferences relating to the continued proffessional education.

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PT - Portugal
Professional Representation IP Attorney on register maintained by the NPO
Associations - Associação Portuguesa dos Mandatários Europeus de Patentes (AMEP) Rua Victor Córdon,14 1249-103 Lisboa Portugal - Associação Portuguesa dos Consultores em Propriedade Intelectual (ACPI) http://www.acpi.pt/ - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. PT or EEA citizens having passed the national examination 2. University degree or high school degree of, at least, 3 years 3. Office located in PT or in the territory of a EEA Member State
Practice Required No practice required for taking examination
Examination - The examination comprises one written part and one oral part - The examination is organised, drafted and examined by the NPO - The national exam does require a minimum of 10 candidates for the exam to take place
Continued Professional Education CPE is not mandatory.
Reporting CPE Reporting CPE activities is not mandatory.

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RO - Romania
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by NPO and also member of the Romanian Chamber of IP Attorneys
Associations Camera Nationala a Consilierilor in Proprietate Industriala din Romania (CNCPIR) (Romanian Chamber of IP Attorneys) http://patent-chamber.ro/ - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. RO, EU or EEA nationality 2. Business place in RO, EU or EEA 3. Technical, scientific or law university degree
Practice Required 3 years experience in the basic profession - 3 years training in the IP field - Patent examiner permanently employed at NPO for at least
Examination - Examination organised by the NPO - Examination comprises 3 written parts: 1. One theoretical part on national patent law, PCT, EPC and other international patent treaties, and 2. Two practical parts comprising: 2.1. Drafting a specification and claims including filing a patent application 2.2. Replying to an official action or drafting an opposition paper or appeal or replying to an opposition paper
Continued Professional Education no duty for CPE
Reporting CPE no reporing on CPE

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RS - Serbia
Professional Representation Attorney at Law or Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO
Associations No associations
Basic Requirements 1. Natural person, RS resident; 2. Command of one language of international communication 3. Faculty of Law graduates 4. examination before NPO 5. University degree in Technologies, or Science and Mathematics or Pharmacy + examination before NPO 6. University degree in Technologies, or Science and Mathematics or Pharmacy + at least five years of working experience with the NPO 7. Legal persons having seat in RS and employing at least one Law faculty graduate and one Technology or Sciences and Mathematics or Pharmacy graduate who fulfill conditions to represent clients on a professional basis i.e. who passed Patent Attorney examination
Practice Required 2 years practice in IP, except for Attorneys at Law
Examination - The examination comprises 2 parts: written and oral part - The examination is organized and prepared by the NPO
Continued Professional Education
Reporting CPE

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SE - Sweden
Professional Representation No mandatory authorization. Voluntary authorization gives privileged status under the Swedish act on authorisation of patent attorneys (SFS 2010:1052), and Chapter 36, Section 5 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure. A register of authorised patent attorneys is kept by Patentombudsnämnden: http://www.patentombudsnamnden.se
Associations - Private practice: Svenska Patentombudsföreningen http://www.spof.se - Industry: Svenska Industrins IP Förening http://www.sipf.se - Non-unitary profession
Basic Requirements Person living in Sweden with a technical or legal degree from a university involving at least 4 years studies
Practice Required 4 years practice in Sweden relating to patent matters
Examination - National examination planned to be held yearly. - Technical and legal matters will be tested. Passing EQE can replace the technical parts, but legal matters relating to Swedish national law and code of conduct need to be tested.
Continued Professional Education There is a requirement to attend at least ten (10) hours of structured continued professional education to maintain the voluntary authorization. Additional hours one year can be carried over to the following year.
Reporting CPE CPE must be reported annually on the association's website. At least ten hours of CPE is needed (out of which five can be credited from hours of CPE done during the prior year, wherein said five hours exceeded the required ten hours of CPE done during the prior year).

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SI - Slovenia
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO; https://www.gov.si/drzavni-organi/organi-v-sestavi/urad-za-intelektualno-lastnino/
Associations - Association of Slovenian Patent Attorneys (ASPA) c/o ITEM d.o.o. Resljeva cesta 16; 1000 Ljubljana - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. university diploma in the technical field or natural science 2. passed the examination
Practice Required No practice required
Examination - National examination for patent attorneys is organized by the NPO and consists of a written part which usually takes appr. 8 hours and an oral part which takes appr. 3 hours - The examination covers Slovenian national legislation and international treaties valid in Slovenia concerning patents, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications - The EQE has no formal influence on this examination
Continued Professional Education no CPE necessary
Reporting CPE no reporting on CPE

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SK - Slovakia
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the Slovak Chamber of Patent Attorneys
Associations - Slovak Chamber of Patent Attorneys https://www.skpz.sk/ - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. Tertiary education (University degree) 2. Professional examination 3. Oath to President of the Slovak Chamber of Patent Attorneys
Practice Required 3 years practice by patent attorneys or 4 years practice in industrial property department of companies required for taking examination
Examination Professional examination given by the NPO comprises written and oral parts. The examination covers Slovak national legislation and International treaties valid in Slovakia. The scope comprises the Intellectual Property rights as a whole, focusing in particular on patents, utility model, trade marks and designs. - The EQE has no formal influence on this examination
Continued Professional Education CPE is not mandatory.
Reporting CPE Reporting CPE is not madatory.

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SM - San Marino
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO; http://www.usbm.sm/on-line/en/home.html
Associations - No association - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. Enrolment on register of Italian or European patent Attorneys 2. SM citizen or IT/EU citizen having elected business place in SM
Practice Required No practice required
Examination No examination
Continued Professional Education The patent, design & trademark attorneys registered in San Marino are enrolled in the Italian register, where everyone is obliged to reach the minimum CPE credits every year. In this way in San Marino there is no CPE implemented, but indirectly each attorney of San Marino is kept up to date in the profession. Please note the details for Italy.
Reporting CPE Please note the details for Italy.

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TR - Türkiye
Professional Representation Patent Attorney on register maintained by the NPO
Associations - No association legally authorized to represent national patent attorneys. National patent attorneys are optionally member to national organizations including PEM, TOBB, and other international organizations (AIPPI, FICPI). - Unitary profession
Basic Requirements 1. Turkish citizenship with place of residence in Turkey 2. University degree of 4 years
Practice Required No practice required for taking examination
Examination The examination comprises a first written part comprising multi-choice questions related to national patent law and regulations, international treaties, agreements. Also there are questions related to general knowledge in commercial code, economics, mathematics, law in general and Turkish language.
Continued Professional Education No requirement is envisaged as to continued professional education
Reporting CPE

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