EPAC- European patent administration certification
The European patent administration certification (EPAC) has been designed to enable paralegals, patent administrators and formalities officers to demonstrate that they have the required knowledge and skills to deal independently and autonomously with the procedures associated with the filing, prosecution, grant and maintenance of European and international patent applications before the EPO, as well as post-grant procedures.
The examination focuses on procedural aspects under the European Patent Convention, the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and the Paris Convention as well as national laws and other agreements in so far as they apply to European patents and patent applications, including the London Agreement.
Candidates must answer questions on the various patenting routes and application procedures and the procedural, administrative and formalities-related tasks involved.
When and how to enrol
To enrol, please complete the following steps and note that the deadlines are strictly enforced.
1. Creation of a personal profile and ID verification
Candidates must create their personal profile on the EQC portal and subsequently request verification of identity by providing a valid passport or national identity card. To be able to enrol for EPAC 2024, these first steps must be completed by 5 August 2024.
2. Enrolment
Enrolment for the EPAC 2024 is open from 16 April 2024 until 12 August 2024 for candidates who have completed ID verification. The candidate’s request for enrolment and payment of prescribed fees must be received by 12 August 2024.
Further information is available on the EPO website.