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Litigation Committee – EU and International Litigation Matters

EU and International Matters Sub-committee remits:

  • Receives input from the Executive Group on international discussions on Client-Patent attorney privilege before Group B+ and the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP);
  • Monitors developments on EU and international patent litigation matters;
    • including policy developments and interstate agreements in so far as they impact patent litigation topics;
  • Monitors developments on the practical frameworks for conducting patent litigation in EU and internationally;
  • Studies, discusses and reports on relevant EU and international patent litigation topics; and
  • Cooperates with other epi committees to discuss and prepare position papers on behalf of epi on matters concerning patent litigation.
Committee Members
Country Name
CH Hoffmann Jürgen Gerhard
FR Nuss Laurent
GB Radkov Stoyan Atanassov (Chair)
IE Walsh Marie Goretti
IT Colucci Giuseppe
IS Ingvarsson Sigurdur
MC Thach Tum
Associate Members
Country Name
DE Pfrang Tilman
FI Finnilä Kim Larseman
IE Walshe Triona Mary