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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

EQE Paper F online training course

This newly designed online course for EQE Paper F lasts six months and offers a blended e-learning experience, including introductory videos, in-depth articles, mock questions based on published papers and in-depth case studies. There are around 800 pages of training materials, plus quizzes and virtual classroom sessions on a number of different topics.

Course participants will have access to experienced epi tutors from around Europe, who will be available via a discussion forum to answer exam-related queries. You will also be able to interact with the tutors during the virtual classes, which will normally take place on two or three Thursdays per month, at 16.00 hrs CET. Each classroom lasts between 1 and 1.5 hours. They are recorded and uploaded to the course so that participants can watch them at any time.

The course starts on 2 September, candidates can join at any time until 17.02.2025. 

More details and registration are available on the EPO website.