Start of the UPC expected on 1 April 2023
October 11, 2022
The Preparatory Team of the UPC has published a roadmap with an outline of the key activities and milestones of the UPC expected in the coming months. According to this roadmap, the entry into force of the UPC Agreement is currently planned for 1 April 2023, with the Court opening its doors and starting to receive cases as from that date.
It is clearly indicated that the roadmap reflects “the current state of the UPC project and therefore, might be subject to change. Any such changes, impacting key deliverables and milestones will be communicated.”
The start of the so-called “sunrise period” is currently foreseen for 1 January 2023. During this period, epi members can register as representatives before the new court and opt-outs can be filed. We will publish detailed information on this process in due time.
We will endeavour to inform our members of the most relevant events related to the UP/UPC as quickly as possible after they occur through the epi website. Nonetheless epi recommends their members to keep an eye on the UPC website for any updates.