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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

News Policy

Policy for news items on the epi website

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Please be informed that the annual epi membership fee increases to 190 Euro effective from 1 January 2016

December 21, 2015

The membership fee has been increased by a decision taken at the 79th Council meeting held recently in Cologne.

The last fee increase occured in 2007 and the epi Council deemed that the present increase is necessary now in order to keep the financial health of the epi and in view of the many services that are to be provided to its members and with the required quality.

João Pereira da Cruz, Secretary General

Peter Thomsen, Treasurer


UPC Agreement Ratification Process and Local or Regional Divisions

December 07, 2015

Update 7 December 2015

The epi’s Litigation Committee members from the various EU Member States have contributed information on the latest developments in their respective countries with regard to the ratification process.


Mock-Trial under the 18th draft of the Rules of Procedures for the UPC

December 03, 2015

On 22 January 2016, EPLIT will run a mock-trial under the 18th draft of the Rules of Procedure for the Unified Patent Court (UPC). The case to be tried is between Improver Corporation and Remington Consumer Products and concerns a depilatory device, better known as the “Epilady” case. This case was litigated in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s before various national courts in Europe with drastically different outcomes. For that reason it serves as a reminder of why further harmonization of patent litigation in Europe is a worthy cause. The mock-trial will be staged before the Local Division of the UPC in Munich.


epi seminars on the Unitary Patent (UP) and the Unified Patent Court (UPC) 2016/2017

November 24, 2015

In 2016 epi will start a series of one day seminars on the Unitary Patent (UP) and the Unified Patent Court (UPC). The seminars will take place in 2016 and early 2017.
The seminars will provide knowledge of both systems to allow epi members to work with the systems and to advise clients on strategic choices, for example on opting out of the UPC, and UP versus classical individual state validation.


Strong Patents as a Basis for Successful Patent Litigation

November 24, 2015

epi Seminar on the Occasion of the 79th Council Meeting in Cologne

On 13 November, the epi offered a seminar in Cologne in the margins of its 79th Council Meeting. The seminar was open to all epi members and was intended to facilitate an exchange between the Council members and the local patent community.
