Other Organisations
Apart from epi, other organisations also offer/organise CPE courses.
European Patent Academy
Examination Matters 2019
Event for professional representatives
21-22 May
European Patent Office, The Hague
Examination Matters has become the meeting place for patent attorneys dealing with the EPO in the patent granting procedure. Examiners and practitioners provide insight into the mind of the examiner and the day-to-day work performed. Workshops offer the opportunity to conduct detailed discussions with your peers on relevant aspects of examination, share day-to-day experiences and get immediate answers to your practical questions from EPO examiners and epi experts.
This high-level event is once again organised in close co-operation with the epi. All information about the programme and the online registration is available here.
Centre d'Études Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle (CEIPI)
Diploma: Patent Litigation in Europe
This program is managed by epi and CEIPI in readiness for the establishment of the Unitary patent jurisdiction. It is for European patent attorneys with national and European patent experience, and leads to the university diploma "Patent Litigation in Europe".
This diploma course enables European patent representatives to develop their knowledge of national and European patent litigation procedures, particularly by studying practical cases.
For further information, click here.