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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

Professional Conduct Committee

The Professional Conduct Committee shall deal with the formulation of recommendations in compliance with the Founding Regulation.

For this Committee the maximum number of members which may be elected from each member state is one full member and one substitute member.

Working Groups

Terms of Reference of the PCC

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Sadia Liebig

Committee Members
Country Name
AL Shomo Vjollca
AT Prehofer Boris André
BE Van den Boeck Wim
BG Benatov Samuil Gabriel
CH Körner Thomas Ottmar
Hoffmann Jürgen Gerhard (subst.)
CY Curley Donnacha John
DE Stork Martina (Chair)
Mohr Christian (subst.)
ES Jordá Petersen Santiago
Saturio Carrasco Pedro Javier (subst.)
FI Sahlin Jonna Elisabeth
Boije af Gennäs Per Gustav (subst.)
FR Delorme Nicolas
Taravella Brigitte (subst.)
GB Powell Timothy John
Dunn Paul Edward (subst.)
GR Kosti Vasiliki
HR Dlacic Albina
HU Sovari Miklos
IE Kelly Donal Morgan
O'Connor Cornelius John (subst.)
IT Checcacci Giorgio (Secretary)
LI Künsch Joachim
Bazzon Andreas (subst.)
LT Petniunaite Jurga
MC Thach Tum
MK Ilievski Bogoljub
NL Bottema Johan Jan
NO Hjelsvold Bodil Merete Sollie
PL Dargiewicz Joanna
Chimiak Monika (subst.)
PT Araújo Vieira Sílvia Cristina
Dinis Abrantes Jorge Ricardo (subst.)
RO Teodorescu Mihaela
Georgescu Cristina (subst.)
SE Bjerndell Per Ingvar
Holmberg-Schwindt Tor Martin (subst.)
SI Leyder Francis (Vice-Chair)
SM Agazzani Giampaolo
Maroscia Antonio (subst.)
TR Cayli Hülya
Aksoy Okan Alper (subst.)
Associate Members
Country Name
PL Krekora Magdalena
IT Morabito Sara