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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office


Privately write one or more of the past EQE papers (main examination). Experienced epi tutors review your paper and provide individual feedback via videoconference, e-mail or personally.

- sign up for a tutorial whenever you want
- decide which paper you want to prepare
- arrange the due date and the date of the feedback session individually with your tutor
- discuss the result of your paper with your tutor

The tutorial fee for the selected paper covers a maximum of two different years:

epi Students: EUR 200 per selected paper
- non-epi Students: EUR 400 per selected paper

Register by clicking on the particular examination paper in the respective language:

ENGLISH: Paper APaper BPaper CPaper D

FRENCH: Paper A, Paper B, Paper C, Paper D

GERMAN: Paper A, Paper B, Paper C, Paper D