September 21, 2015
We regret to inform you that Heinz Bardehle passed away on September 10, 2015 at the age of 94.
Heinz Bardehle was Honorary President of FICPI and honorable member of GRUR, the German
Association of AIPPA. He was awarded the Große Bundesverdienstkreuz (Great Order of Merit of the
German Federal Republic) by the Minister of Justice. He received this highest German civil decoration
for his achievements in patent law, in particular for his initiatives in promoting worldwide patent
harmonization and introducing the period of grace for patents.
Heinz Bardehle was a leader, full of strength and charisma, with a good sense of humour and a faithful
friend. The great sadness we feel for this loss will become more bearable as time goes by, because we
all have him in our hearts, being our model to continue with the legacy of excellence that he has left.
We will always remember him and we will try to maintain the good va lues he transmitted to us of
professionalism, ethics and loyalty to our clients.
Uwe R. Borchert; Patent Attorney
Markus J. Kaiser; Patent Attorney
Florian Klettner; Patent Attorney