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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

Litigation Committee

The Litigation Committee considers and discusses all aspects of patent litigation in Europe, in particular on infringement and validity of European Patents. It further observes inter-state agreements and relevant developing case law. In addition, the Litigation Committee also considers and discusses matters such as Client-Patent-Attorney-Privilege for and Representation in Court by European Patent Attorneys. The Litigation Committee plays an active role in monitoring, discussing and preparing epi positions on matters concerning the Unitary Patent/Unified Patent Court system including the requirements for European Patent Attorneys to acquire the necessary qualifications to play an active role in the UP/UPC system.

The underlying objective is for the Litigation Committee to be a strategic partner in further developing and improving the legal and practical framework for patent litigation in Europe.

The Committee shall consist of a maximum of one full member and one substitute member for each contracting state.


The Litigation Committee has set up a number of subcommittees to concentrate on key areas of its responsibilities.

Terms of Reference of the Litigation Committee

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Susanne Ullmann

Committee Members
Country Name
AL Panidha Ela
AT Gehring Andreas
Stadler Michael (subst.)
BE De Clercq Ann G. Y.
Vanhalle Maja (subst.)
BG Georgieva-Tabakova Milena Lubenova
Sirakova Olga Rousseva (subst.)
CH Hoffmann Jürgen Gerhard
Körner Thomas Ottmar (subst.)
CY Theodoulou Christos A.
Rousounidou Vasiliki A. (subst.)
CZ Slavík Jiri
DE Pfrang Tilman (Vice-Chair)
Töpert Verena Clarita (subst.)
DK Thorsen Jesper
ES Arias Sanz Juan
Sáez Granero Francisco Javier (subst.)
FI Finnilä Kim Larseman (Chair)
Nielsen Michael Jon (subst.)
FR Nuss Laurent
Le Roy Gwennhaël (subst.)
GB Radkov Stoyan Atanassov
Critten Matthew Peter (subst.)
GR Kouzelis Dimitrios
Vavekis Konstantinos (subst.)
HR Vukina Sanja
Dlacic Albina (subst.)
HU Török Ferenc
Grof Palma (subst.)
IE Walshe Triona Mary (Secretary)
Walsh Marie Goretti (subst.)
IS Ingvarsson Sigurdur
IT Colucci Giuseppe
De Gregori Antonella (subst.)
LI Holzheu Christian
Harmann Bernd-Günther (subst.)
LT Viesunaite Vilija
Pakeniene Ausra (subst.)
LU Bruck Mathis
Mellet Valérie Martine (subst.)
LV Osmans Voldemars
MC Thach Tum
MK Pepeljugoski Valentin
NL Hesselink Dinah Elisabeth
Land Addick Adrianus Gosling (subst.)
NO Simonsen Kari Helen
Read Howard Graham (subst.)
PL Przyluski Michal Wiktor
Godlewski Piotr (subst.)
PT Cruz Nuno
Silvestre de Almeida Ferreira Luís Humberto (subst.)
RO Petculescu Ana-Maria
Georgescu Cristina (subst.)
RS Zatezalo Mihajlo
SE Presland Torbjörn
Rådbo Lars Olof (subst.)
SI Bakirci Utkan Bahri
SK Neuschl Vladimir
SM Perronace Andrea
Petraz Davide Luigi (subst.)
TR Tas Emrah
Alpayim Anil Bugra (subst.)
Associate Members
Country Name
GB Mercer Christopher Paul