Litigation Committee
The Litigation Committee considers and discusses all aspects of patent litigation in Europe, in particular on infringement and validity of European Patents. It further observes inter-state agreements and relevant developing case law. In addition, the Litigation Committee also considers and discusses matters such as Client-Patent-Attorney-Privilege for and Representation in Court by European Patent Attorneys. The Litigation Committee plays an active role in monitoring, discussing and preparing epi positions on matters concerning the Unitary Patent/Unified Patent Court system including the requirements for European Patent Attorneys to acquire the necessary qualifications to play an active role in the UP/UPC system.
The underlying objective is for the Litigation Committee to be a strategic partner in further developing and improving the legal and practical framework for patent litigation in Europe.
The Committee shall consist of a maximum of one full member and one substitute member for each contracting state.
The Litigation Committee has set up a number of subcommittees to concentrate on key areas of its responsibilities.
Terms of Reference of the Litigation Committee
Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Susanne Ullmann
Country | Name |
AL | Panidha Ela |
AT | Gehring Andreas |
Stadler Michael (subst.) | |
BE | De Clercq Ann G. Y. |
Vanhalle Maja (subst.) | |
BG | Georgieva-Tabakova Milena Lubenova |
Sirakova Olga Rousseva (subst.) | |
CH | Hoffmann Jürgen Gerhard |
Körner Thomas Ottmar (subst.) | |
CY | Theodoulou Christos A. |
Rousounidou Vasiliki A. (subst.) | |
CZ | Slavík Jiri |
DE | Pfrang Tilman (Vice-Chair) |
Töpert Verena Clarita (subst.) | |
DK | Thorsen Jesper |
ES | Arias Sanz Juan |
Sáez Granero Francisco Javier (subst.) | |
FI | Finnilä Kim Larseman (Chair) |
Nielsen Michael Jon (subst.) | |
FR | Nuss Laurent |
Le Roy Gwennhaël (subst.) | |
GB | Radkov Stoyan Atanassov |
Critten Matthew Peter (subst.) | |
GR | Kouzelis Dimitrios |
Vavekis Konstantinos (subst.) | |
HR | Vukina Sanja |
Dlacic Albina (subst.) | |
HU | Török Ferenc |
Grof Palma (subst.) | |
IE | Walshe Triona Mary (Secretary) |
Walsh Marie Goretti (subst.) | |
IS | Ingvarsson Sigurdur |
IT | Colucci Giuseppe |
De Gregori Antonella (subst.) | |
LI | Holzheu Christian |
Harmann Bernd-Günther (subst.) | |
LT | Viesunaite Vilija |
Pakeniene Ausra (subst.) | |
LU | Bruck Mathis |
Mellet Valérie Martine (subst.) | |
LV | Osmans Voldemars |
MC | Thach Tum |
MK | Pepeljugoski Valentin |
NL | Hesselink Dinah Elisabeth |
Land Addick Adrianus Gosling (subst.) | |
NO | Simonsen Kari Helen |
Read Howard Graham (subst.) | |
PL | Przyluski Michal Wiktor |
Godlewski Piotr (subst.) | |
PT | Cruz Nuno |
Silvestre de Almeida Ferreira Luís Humberto (subst.) | |
RO | Petculescu Ana-Maria |
Georgescu Cristina (subst.) | |
RS | Zatezalo Mihajlo |
SE | Presland Torbjörn |
Rådbo Lars Olof (subst.) | |
SI | Bakirci Utkan Bahri |
SK | Neuschl Vladimir |
SM | Perronace Andrea |
Petraz Davide Luigi (subst.) | |
TR | Tas Emrah |
Alpayim Anil Bugra (subst.) |
Country | Name |
GB | Mercer Christopher Paul |