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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

Professional Education Committee (PEC)

PEC advises the epi Board on professional education and qualification. There is at least one member from each EPC member country. The members are involved in EQE related matters and/or Continuing Professional Education (CPE) related matters.

The PEC organises and oversees educational activities, including webinars and seminars. The online activities are available on the epi-learning platform which is open to epi members and epi students, who are registered trainees preparing for the European Qualifying Examination (EQE). The epi students have access through the platform to a students’ forum, EQE online workshops and epi tutorials.

The full PEC meets twice a year: one plenary meeting is fully online and the other is a hybrid meeting. PEC has set up several sub-committees and working groups to concentrate on key areas of its responsibility.  Each group has the appropriate number of members and these groups meet online as frequently as needed.

At the moment, PEC is particularly considering the new format of the EQE as well as building the CPE program of seminars and webinars.

epi members are asked to get in touch with their national PEC member regarding any educational / PEC related matter.

One of the responsibilities of PEC members is the organisation of national seminars.

The PEC can be reached via pec@patentepi.org or via education@patentepi.org.

Subcommittees and Working Groups

Terms of Reference of the PEC

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Barbara Riffert, Jacqueline Kalbe

Committee Members
Country Name
AT Spillmann Adrian (subst.)
Stadler Michael
BE De Groote Youri (subst.)
Duyver Jurgen Martha Herman
BG Georgieva Mariya
Tahtadjiev Konstantin (subst.)
CH Kapic Tarik (Secretary)
Ruder Susanna Louise (subst.)
CY Curley Donnacha John (subst.)
Theodoulou Christos A.
CZ Hartvichova Katerina
Matysová Jitka (subst.)
DE Pott Thomas
DK Andreasen Lotte Vinggaard
ES Pato Cour Isabel
Sánchez Ruth (subst.)
FI Meinander Ulf Kristian
Vattulainen Erkkilä Anniina (subst.)
FR Collin Jérôme
Senninger Thierry (subst.)
GB Gwilt Julia Louise (Chair)
Mackett Margaret (subst.)
GR Kosti Vasiliki (subst.)
Lioumbis Alexandros
HU Ravadits Imre Miklós (subst.)
Tepfenhárt Dóra Andrea
IE Bo Lin (subst.)
Skrba Sinéad
IS Gudmundsdóttir Anna Valborg
IT Burgin Maria Chiara (subst.)
Morabito Sara
LI Hofmann Markus Günter
LT Armalyte Elena (subst.)
Gerasimovic Liudmila
LU Mellet Valérie Martine
LV Ferara Nina
MC Thach Tum
MK Pepeljugoski Valentin
MT Rambelli Paolo
NL op den Brouw-Sprakel Vera Stefanie Irene (subst.)
van Wezenbeek Lambertus A.C.M.
NO Reitan Katja
Read Howard Graham (subst.)
PL Dargiewicz Joanna
Mlynarska Paulina Emma (subst.)
PT do Nascimento Gomes Rui
Silvestre de Almeida Ferreira Luís Humberto (subst.)
RO Boncea Oana-Laura
RS Pribic Jelena
SE Färm Magnus (subst.)
Herbjørnsen Rut
SI Boric Vezjak Maja
SK Cechvala Radovan
SM Agazzani Giampaolo
Primiceri Maria Vittoria (subst.)
TR Atalay Baris
Hamamcioglu Volkan (subst.)
Associate Members
Country Name
AT Schweinzer Friedrich
DE Gerding-Reimers Claas
Möller Björn Matthias
Naefe Ausra
Pavan Andrea
Richard Thinagaran Gift Preston
GB Pintz Zsofia
TR Yalvaç Oya