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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

News Policy

Policy for news items on the epi website

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12th March 2016 - 94th Board Meeting in Tallinn

March 14, 2016

38 out of 41 Board members together with Mr Giorgio Checcacci (chair of the Professional Conduct Committee) and Mr Maarten Nollen (member of the Editorial Committee) attended the 94th Board meeting in Tallinn (EE).


epi roadshow on UP/UPC – registration for Munich is open!

March 08, 2016

The first seminar of the new epi roadshow on the unitary patent (UP) and the Unified Patent Court (UPC) takes place on 15 April at the EPO Isarbuilding in Munich. This roadshow offers knowledge of both systems to allow epi members to work with the systems and to advise clients on strategic choices, for example on opting out of the UPC, and UP versus classical individual state validation. To register and view all the cities where the roadshow will take place, please click here.


Cooperation meeting with the JPAA delegation (Munich, 18th February 2016)

February 19, 2016

epi meets with a delegation of JPAA (Organisation of Japanese Patent Attorneys Association).

Focus was on the recent Supreme Court decisions in Japan and the Unitary Patent and UPC.


Interested in IP protection in China?

February 15, 2016

Last 14th January 2016, the CCTV News Channel broadcasted a talk show where Dr. Lulin GAO (Chairman of Beijing East IP Ltd. and Founding Commissioner of SIPO) and Mr. David Kappos (Partner of Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP and former Commissioner of the USPTO) discussed about the IP protection in China, exchanging their views about the developments occurred in this field during the past years.


epi seminar “Opposition” & “Appeal” supported by the EPO in 2016

January 30, 2016

The “Opposition and Appeal” seminar will provide you with an intensive and practical overview of all relevant legal and practical issues concerning opposition and appeal proceedings before the European Patent Office.

Professional Education Committee (PEC)
