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Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office

Summaries of the tasks of the committees

By-Laws Committee

The By-Laws Committee assists the President, the Board and the Council in all matters having regard to the interpretation of the various regulations of the epi, the most important of them being the Founding Regulation and the By-Laws. On request of the Board or Council the Committee proposes in the three official languages amendments of existing By-Laws, or drafts new ones.

The By-Laws Committee is responsible for the organisation of the Collection of Decisions (CoD) and for editorial changes and translation revisions.

The By-Laws Committee consists of five members, of which one shall have German, one English, and one French, respectively, as their mother tongue. This Committee shall have up to four substitute members, of which, one shall have German, one English, and one French, respectively as their mother tongue, necessarily substituting the full member having the same mother tongue.

Terms of Reference of the By-Laws

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Susanne Ullmann

Committee Members
Country Name
AT Forsthuber Martin
BE Leyder Francis (subst.)
CH Liebetanz Michael
DE Schober Christoph D. (subst.)
FR Nevant Marc (subst.)
Moutard Pascal Jean (Chair)
GB Mercer Christopher Paul
Wright Simon Mark
Instone Alicia Claire (subst.)

Editorial Committee

The task of the Editorial Committee in publishing "epi Information" shall be to ensure that the publisher of the journal will receive all texts to be published. In addition, the tasks if the Editorial Committee in maintaining the epi website shall be to ensure that all texts to be published are placed and removed from the website as appropriate.

The Editorial Committee shall consist of at least four and at most eight members. Of these, one shall have German, one English, and one French, respectively, as their mother tongue. At least one member should have knowledge of Internet website design.

Terms of Reference of the Editorial Committee

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Sadia Liebig

Committee Members
Country Name
DE Schmid Johannes
Thesen Michael
FR Nevant Marc (Chair)
GR Samouilidis Emmanouil
IE Casey Lindsay Joseph (Vice-Chair)
MC Amira Sami
NL Blokland Arie
PT Dinis Abrantes Ricardo Jorge

epi-Finances Committee

The epi-Finances Committee advises on the preparation of the budget and makes proposals for the financial planning and financial management of the Institute. The Committee is empowered to consider financial management of the Institute and investigates every aspect of the financial affairs of the Institute, particularly for the purpose of ensuring a balanced financial situation.

The Committee shall have a maximum of ten full members.

Terms of Reference of the epi-Finances Committee

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Susanne Ullmann

Committee Members
Country Name
BE Quintelier Claude (Chair)
CH Braun André jr.
DE Schober Christoph D.
FI Konkonen Tomi-Matti Juhani
FR Conan Philippe Claude
GB Powell Timothy John (Secretary)
IT Paglia Pietro
PL Malewska Ewa
PT Pereira da Cruz Joao

EPO Finances Committee

The Committee's terms of reference are to keep under review the information available, from the EPO or otherwise, concerning all aspects of the financial affairs and forward planning of the EPO having relevance for the levels of official fees charged to the applicant. The concern of the Committee is not just the absolute level of fees, but also assessing whether the users of the EPO get value for money. This involves looking to the Annual Report and other documents relating to the EPO's costs, staffing, financial obligations, performance, and levels of demand.

The committee shall have a maximum of four full members, and up to four substitute members.

Terms of Reference of the EPO Finances Committee

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Susanne Ullmann

Committee Members
Country Name
BE Kellenberger Jakob
CH Körner Thomas Ottmar (subst.)
DE Winter Andreas (Secretary)
Schober Christoph D. (subst.)
Wilhelm Wolfgang (subst.)
GB Boff James Charles (Chair)
IE Casey Lindsay Joseph
NL Tanwar Girish (subst.)

Online Communications Committee

The Online Communications Committee collaborates with the European Patent Office in its projects for introducing online communication. The Committee draws on experience and knowledge of the systems set up by the national Patent Offices of the USA and Japan. In addition, the Committee monitors the activities of National Patent Offices in the Member States and other official institutions in the area of online communications in connection with intellectual property and observes the efforts of these institutions regarding harmonisation of online communications. The Committee deals with all questions relating to these projects referred to it by members of the epi. The Committee members are selected for having practical experience of online systems for the benefit of the members of epi, and of the European Patent Office and its users.

The Committee shall have a maximum of eleven full members.

Terms of Reference of the OCC

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Susanne Ullmann

Committee Members
Country Name
AT Gassner Birgitta
BE Van Garsse Joris Marc H
CH Vavrin Ronny
DE Grau Benjamin
Scheele Friedrich
FR Biron Yannick
GB Gray John James (Chair)
IE Brophy David Timothy (Vice-Chair)
IT Meindl Tassilo
PL Bury Marek
RO Boncea Oana-Laura
Associate Members
Country Name
DE Banzhaf Felicita
Harbach Ulrich
Kisters Michael
Wilhelm Wolfgang
IT Masciopinto Gian Giuseppe
PL Przyluski Michal Wiktor

Harmonisation Committee

The Harmonisation Committee deals with all questions concerning the worldwide harmonisation of Patent Law. In particular, the Committee advises the delegates named by the President of the Council for meetings of the Standing Committee on the law of Patents, convened by WIPO, or for other related meetings convened by WIPO, and reports to the Council about these meetings.

The Harmonisation Committee shall have a maximum of ten full members.

Terms of Reference of the Harmonisation Committee

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Sadia Liebig

Committee Members
Country Name
BE Leyder Francis
DE Hössle Markus
ES Durán Moya Luis-Alfonso
FI Kärkkäinen Veli-Matti
FR Ajdari Emmanuel
GB Brown John D. (Chair)
IE Roche Dermot
IT Santi Filippo (Secretary)
PL Krekora Magdalena
RO Teodorescu Mihaela
Associate Members
Country Name
DE Vogelsang Wenke Heike
Wegner Michaela
IT Paolo Guido

Biotechnology Committee (Biotech)

The Biotechnology Committee shall consider and discuss all questions pertaining to, or connected with, inventions in the field of biotechnology, including the Budapest Treaty.

For this Committee, only one full member may be elected for each member state.

Working Groups

Terms of Reference of the Biotech Committee

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Sadia Liebig

Committee Members
Country Name
AL Sinojmeri Diana
AT Wolfram Markus
BE Vanhalst Koen
CH Sperrle Martin
CZ Hartvichova Katerina
DE Exner Torsten
DK Faria Viola Gonçalves Vera Lúcia
ES Vega Hernández María Lorena
FI Virtaharju Outi Elina
FR Taravella Brigitte (Secretary)
GB Wright Simon Mark (Chair)
GR Kosti Vasiliki
HR Marsic Natasa
HU Kompagne Hajnalka
IE Hally Anna-Louise
IS Jonsson Thorlakur
IT Comoglio Elena
LI Bogensberger Burkhard
LT Armalyte Elena
LU Hensenne Peter
MC Sendrowski Heiko
MK Veskovska Blagica
NL van der Wijk Thea
PL Kawczynska Marta Joanna
PT Teixeira de Carvalho Anabela
RO Popa Cristina
RS Herak Nada
SE Mattsson Niklas
SK Makelová Katarína
SM Primiceri Maria Vittoria
TR Söyleyici Merve
Associate Members
Country Name
AT Weinzinger Philipp
BE Desomer Jan G.M.
De Clercq Ann
CH Berti Alessandro
Kamibayashi Lynne
DE Cirl Christine
Grammel Markus
Jaenichen Hans-Rainer
Nestle-Nguyen Denise Kim-Lien Tu-Anh
Obrecht Gauthier R.V.
Oser Andreas
Quest Benjamin
Vogelsang-Wenke Heike
DK Hegner Anette
GB Mercer Christopher Paul
Tombling Adrian George
IT Turri Elisa
NL Gommans Willemijn Maria
PL Witek Rafal
TR Yalvaç Oya

Professional Conduct Committee

The Professional Conduct Committee shall deal with the formulation of recommendations in compliance with the Founding Regulation.

For this Committee the maximum number of members which may be elected from each member state is one full member and one substitute member.

Working Groups

Terms of Reference of the PCC

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Sadia Liebig

Committee Members
Country Name
AL Shomo Vjollca
AT Prehofer Boris André
BE Van den Boeck Wim
van Minnebruggen Ewan Benito Agnes (subst.)
BG Benatov Samuil Gabriel
Nikolov Vladislav Zdravkov (subst.)
CH Körner Thomas Ottmar
Hoffmann Jürgen Gerhard (subst.)
CY Curley Donnacha John
DE Stork Martina (Chair)
Mohr Christian (subst.)
ES Jordá Petersen Santiago
Saturio Carrasco Pedro Javier (subst.)
FI Sahlin Jonna Elisabeth
Boije af Gennäs Per Gustav (subst.)
FR Delorme Nicolas
Taravella Brigitte (subst.)
GB Powell Timothy John
Dunn Paul Edward (subst.)
GR Kosti Vasiliki
HR Dlacic Albina
HU Sovari Miklos
IE Kelly Donal Morgan
O'Connor Cornelius John (subst.)
IT Checcacci Giorgio (Secretary)
Morabito Sara (subst.)
LI Künsch Joachim
Bazzon Andreas (subst.)
LT Petniunaite Jurga
MC Thach Tum
NL Bottema Johan Jan
NO Hjelsvold Bodil Merete Sollie
PL Dargiewicz Joanna
Chimiak Monika (subst.)
PT Araújo Vieira Sílvia Cristina
Dinis Abrantes Jorge Ricardo (subst.)
RO Teodorescu Mihaela
Georgescu Cristina (subst.)
SE Bjerndell Per Ingvar
Holmberg-Schwindt Tor Martin (subst.)
SI Leyder Francis (Vice-Chair)
SM Agazzani Giampaolo
Maroscia Antonio (subst.)
TR Cayli Hülya
Aksoy Okan Alper (subst.)
Associate Members
Country Name
PL Krekora Magdalena
IT Morabito Sara

European Patent Practice Committee

The European Patent Practice Committee (EPPC) considers and discusses all questions pertaining to, or connected with, practice under the European Patent Convention, the Community Unitary Patent Regulation and the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) including any revision thereof, except questions concerning inventions in the field of biotechnology, online communications, documentation and patent information, the litigation of EP and Community applications and patents, and the setting of EPO fees. The EPPC drafts epi position papers for ratification by Council and then submits them to relevant bodies.

This Committee shall include one full member, for each member state, and additional full members belonging to four technological groups as follows.

Technological Groups

Working Groups

Terms of Reference of the EPPC

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Susanne Ullmann

Committee Members
Country Name
AL Panidha Ela
AT Donatello Daniele
BE Michalík Andrej
BG Georgieva Mariya
CH Wilming Martin
CY Rousounidou Vasiliki A.
CZ Fousková Petra
DE Fleuchaus Michael A. (Vice-Chair)
DK Hegner Anette
EE Toome Jürgen
ES Lasanta Rica César
FI Kokko Antti Ohto Kalervo
FR Thon Julien
GB Mercer Christopher Paul (Chair)
GR Samouilidis Emmanouil
HR Hadzija Tomislav
HU Lezsák Gábor
IE McCarthy Denis Alexis
IS Fridriksson Einar Karl (Secretary)
IT Modiano Micaela Nadia
LI Gyaja Christoph Benjamin
LT Pakeniene Ausra
LU Ocvirk Philippe
LV Fortuna Jevgenijs
MC Kremer Véronique Marie Joséphine
MK Filipov Gjorgji
NL van Woudenberg Roel
NO Rekdal Kristine
PL Augustyniak Magdalena Anna
PT Pereira da Cruz Joao
RO Nicolaescu Daniella Olga
RS Pribic Jelena
SE Franks Barry Gerard
SK Drevený Lukás
SM Tiburzi Andrea
TR Simsek Meliha Merve
Associate Members
Country Name
BE De Clercq Ann G. Y.
DE Sendrowski Heiko
Vogelsang-Wenke Heike
IE Walshe Triona
GB Newell Richard James
IT Cavicchia Demetrio Roberto
Cossu Alessandro
De Giorgi Michele
Seeger Heiko
NL Coolen Marcus Cornelis Johannes
PL Kawczynska Marta Joanna
RS Herak Nada
TR Kayahan Senem
Yalvaç Oya

Professional Education Committee (PEC)

PEC advises the epi Board on professional education and qualification. There is at least one member from each EPC member country. The members are involved in EQE related matters and/or Continuing Professional Education (CPE) related matters.

The PEC organises and oversees educational activities, including webinars and seminars. The online activities are available on the epi-learning platform which is open to epi members and epi students, who are registered trainees preparing for the European Qualifying Examination (EQE). The epi students have access through the platform to a students’ forum, EQE online workshops and epi tutorials.

The full PEC meets twice a year: one plenary meeting is fully online and the other is a hybrid meeting. PEC has set up several sub-committees and working groups to concentrate on key areas of its responsibility.  Each group has the appropriate number of members and these groups meet online as frequently as needed.

At the moment, PEC is particularly considering the new format of the EQE as well as building the CPE program of seminars and webinars.

epi members are asked to get in touch with their national PEC member regarding any educational / PEC related matter.

One of the responsibilities of PEC members is the organisation of national seminars.

The PEC can be reached via pec@patentepi.org or via education@patentepi.org.

Subcommittees and Working Groups

Terms of Reference of the PEC

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Barbara Riffert, Jacqueline Kalbe

Committee Members
Country Name
AT Spillmann Adrian (subst.)
Stadler Michael
BE De Groote Youri (subst.)
Duyver Jurgen Martha Herman
BG Georgieva Mariya
Tahtadjiev Konstantin (subst.)
CH Kapic Tarik (Secretary)
Ruder Susanna Louise (subst.)
CY Curley Donnacha John (subst.)
Theodoulou Christos A.
CZ Hartvichova Katerina
Matysová Jitka (subst.)
DE Möller Björn Matthias (subst.)
DK Andreasen Lotte Vinggaard
ES Pato Cour Isabel
Sánchez Ruth (subst.)
FI Meinander Ulf Kristian
Vattulainen Erkkilä Anniina (subst.)
FR Collin Jérôme
Senninger Thierry (subst.)
GB Gwilt Julia Louise (Chair)
Mackett Margaret (subst.)
GR Kosti Vasiliki (subst.)
Lioumbis Alexandros
HR Marsic Natasa
HU Ravadits Imre Miklós (subst.)
Tepfenhárt Dóra Andrea
IE Bo Lin (subst.)
Skrba Sinéad
IS Gudmundsdóttir Anna Valborg
IT Burgin Maria Chiara (subst.)
Morabito Sara
LI Hofmann Markus Günter
LT Armalyte Elena (subst.)
Gerasimovic Liudmila
LU Mellet Valérie Martine
LV Ferara Nina
MC Thach Tum
ME Lutovac Vuk
MK Pepeljugoski Valentin
MT Rambelli Paolo
NL op den Brouw-Sprakel Vera Stefanie Irene (subst.)
van Wezenbeek Lambertus A.C.M.
NO Reitan Katja
Read Howard Graham (subst.)
PL Dargiewicz Joanna
Mlynarska Paulina Emma (subst.)
PT do Nascimento Gomes Rui
Silvestre de Almeida Ferreira Luís Humberto (subst.)
RO Boncea Oana-Laura
RS Pribic Jelena
SE Färm Magnus (subst.)
Herbjørnsen Rut
SI Boric Vezjak Maja
SK Cechvala Radovan
SM Agazzani Giampaolo
Primiceri Maria Vittoria (subst.)
TR Atalay Baris
Hamamcioglu Volkan (subst.)
Associate Members
Country Name
AT Schweinzer Friedrich
DE Gerding-Reimers Claas
Möller Björn Matthias
Naefe Ausra
Pavan Andrea
Richard Thinagaran Gift Preston
GB Pintz Zsofia
TR Yalvaç Oya

Litigation Committee

The Litigation Committee considers and discusses all aspects of patent litigation in Europe, in particular on infringement and validity of European Patents. It further observes inter-state agreements and relevant developing case law. In addition, the Litigation Committee also considers and discusses matters such as Client-Patent-Attorney-Privilege for and Representation in Court by European Patent Attorneys. The Litigation Committee plays an active role in monitoring, discussing and preparing epi positions on matters concerning the Unitary Patent/Unified Patent Court system including the requirements for European Patent Attorneys to acquire the necessary qualifications to play an active role in the UP/UPC system.

The underlying objective is for the Litigation Committee to be a strategic partner in further developing and improving the legal and practical framework for patent litigation in Europe.

The Committee shall consist of a maximum of one full member and one substitute member for each contracting state.


The Litigation Committee has set up a number of subcommittees to concentrate on key areas of its responsibilities.

Terms of Reference of the Litigation Committee

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Susanne Ullmann

Committee Members
Country Name
AL Panidha Ela
AT Gehring Andreas
Stadler Michael (subst.)
BE De Clercq Ann G. Y.
Vanhalle Maja (subst.)
BG Georgieva-Tabakova Milena Lubenova
Sirakova Olga Rousseva (subst.)
CH Hoffmann Jürgen Gerhard
Körner Thomas Ottmar (subst.)
CY Theodoulou Christos A.
Rousounidou Vasiliki A. (subst.)
CZ Slavík Jiri
DE Pfrang Tilman (Vice-Chair)
Töpert Verena Clarita (subst.)
DK Thorsen Jesper
ES Arias Sanz Juan
Sáez Granero Francisco Javier (subst.)
FI Finnilä Kim Larseman (Chair)
Nielsen Michael Jon (subst.)
FR Nuss Laurent
Le Roy Gwennhaël (subst.)
GB Radkov Stoyan Atanassov
Critten Matthew Peter (subst.)
GR Kouzelis Dimitrios
Vavekis Konstantinos (subst.)
HR Vukina Sanja
Dlacic Albina (subst.)
HU Török Ferenc
Grof Palma (subst.)
IE Walshe Triona Mary (Secretary)
Walsh Marie Goretti (subst.)
IS Ingvarsson Sigurdur
IT Colucci Giuseppe
De Gregori Antonella (subst.)
LI Holzheu Christian
Harmann Bernd-Günther (subst.)
LT Viesunaite Vilija
Pakeniene Ausra (subst.)
LU Bruck Mathis
Mellet Valérie Martine (subst.)
LV Osmans Voldemars
MC Thach Tum
MK Pepeljugoski Valentin
NL Hesselink Dinah Elisabeth
Land Addick Adrianus Gosling (subst.)
NO Simonsen Kari Helen
Read Howard Graham (subst.)
PL Przyluski Michal Wiktor
Godlewski Piotr (subst.)
PT Cruz Nuno
Silvestre de Almeida Ferreira Luís Humberto (subst.)
RO Petculescu Ana-Maria
Georgescu Cristina (subst.)
RS Zatezalo Mihajlo
SE Presland Torbjörn
Rådbo Lars Olof (subst.)
SI Bakirci Utkan Bahri
SK Neuschl Vladimir
SM Perronace Andrea
Petraz Davide Luigi (subst.)
TR Tas Emrah
Alpayim Anil Bugra (subst.)
Associate Members
Country Name
GB Mercer Christopher Paul

Electoral Committee

The Electoral Committee set up by the Council under Rule 4 of the Rules for election of Council, shall ensure the smooth running of the elections. For the ordinary election for which it is set up, the Electoral Committee shall supervise conformity with the applicable rules, the opening of envelopes and counting of the votes, shall decide in cases of doubt, shall draw  lots whenever required by the Rules for Election of Council, and shall prepare a written report to the President of the Council on that election.

Terms of Reference of the Electoral Committee

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Committees Support 

Committee Members
Country Name
CH Markus Andreas Müller (Chair)
GB Peter Barrett
IS Arni Vilhjálmsson

Nominations Committee (NC)

The Nominations Committee consists of a maximum of 6 members being current or former members of the Presidium, elected by the Council and not standing for election to the Board. The Nominations Committee exists to seek candidates for positions belonging to the Board, bearing in mind the capacity and the time availability of candidates to comply with the responsibilities of the positions to be filled, so as to ensure that there is at least a candidate for each vacant position in the Board.

Terms of Reference of the Nominations Committee

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Committees Support

Committee Members
Country Name
BE Leyder Francis
BG Sirakova Olga Rousseva
CH Liebetanz Michael
DE Tüngler Eberhard
Vogelsang-Wenke Heike (Chair)
TR Arkan Selda

epi Studentship Admissions Committee (SAC)

The purpose of this Committee is to determine whether each person applying to become an epi student has the necessary qualifications to meet the requirements set out in the Rules governing epi studentship.

The Committee shall consist of seven members elected by Council. 

Terms of Reference of SAC

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Noreen Osterlehner

Committee Members
Country Name
CH Favre Nicolas
DE Ferara Nina
Leißler-Gerstl Gabriele
FR Haines Sara Christine
GB Mercer Christopher Paul (Chair)
IT Provvisionato Paolo
NL van Wezenbeek Lambertus A.C.M.

IP Commercialization Committee

The IP Commercialization Committee (IPCC) shall consider and deal with all questions pertaining to, or connected with, IP commercialization.

The Committee shall consist of a maximum of 10 full members with practical experience in the field of IP commercialization.

Terms of Reference of the IPCC

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: Sadia Liebig

Committee Members
Country Name
CH Blöchle Hans (Chair)
DE Müller Hans Jörg
Stöckle Florian
ES Durán Moya Luis-Alfonso
FR Ajdari Emmanuel
GB Duffy Claudia Magdalena
IE Quinlan Angela
IT Gerbino Angelo
MK Filipov Gjorgji
SE Isaksson Anders (Secretary)

Committees Election Committee (CEC)

The Committees Election Committee shall ensure the smooth running of Elections to Committees according to Article 18B By-Laws of the Institute of Professional Representatives.

The Committee shall consist of three members of the Institute who shall not stand for election to another committee.

Terms of Reference of the Committees Election Committee

Primary contact in the epi Secretariat: committees-support@patentepi.org

Committee Members
Country Name
DE Thomas Marx (Chair)
DK Anders Kjer Pedersen
PT Ana Neves